Astitva - Brew Your Own Blend

Astitva - Brew Your Own Blend / noun; Sanskrit meaning 'Existence or Identity' 
Ok so everyone loves DIY and what better way to celebrate individuality than a Brew Your Own Blend yourself using our Astitva Chai.  

Astitva is robust, it represents the very identity of Chai and the Indian traditions that inspired me to share chai culture. Growing up, my mother and I would bring different tea leaves from a local tea shop and blend them with spices, herbs, and flowers, customizing the blend each time we made chai. This special chai ritual is one of many in Indian culture. 

We hope you're able to form your unique ritual to brew your own blend and we have some tea'riffic ideas for you. The original flavor profile of Astitva blends well with almost any add-on, the possibilities are endless. 

It has a deep earthy aroma, the classic taste of Assam tea leaves with bold and malty headnotes, a hint of grassy flavor, full-bodied earthy body notes with a touch of lasting "chai" flavor and brisk tail notes.

It has a rich deep brown color. 


Ginger: Add half an inch of fresh ginger root to Astitva Chai for a kick. Simply peel and roughly smash the ginger before adding to water and follow the rest of the recipe as is.

Lemongrass: Finely chop half a blade of lemongrass and add it to Astitva chai while boiling to liven up your brew with a fresh citrusy flavor. Add milk separately once you strain the chai.

Mint: For a mild refreshing cup of chai just add four to five crushed leaves of fresh mint to boiling water before you add Astitva chai. Stir in milk separately once you strain the chai and enjoy a mild, refreshing twist to your morning cup.

Sugar and Lemon: This is a dairy-free classic British combination. Make sure to add sugar before lemon because the citric acid from the lemon prevents it from dissolving.

Everyone knows and loves classic masala chai. The real flavor of this recipe lies in the freshness of the spices, so if you are a masala lover who likes to do it yourself then make sure to order fresh whole spices from our website along with your Astitva chai to Brew Your Own Blend.
Here are few spices you can add to your brew for an extra ooh. 
Cardamom: Five green cardamom pods, lightly smashed for two cups chai
Cinnamon: A quarter-inch freshly ground cinnamon for two cups chai.
Clove: Three to six whole cloves depending on your heat tolerance 
Fennel: One tsp for two cups chai.
Nutmeg: A pinch of freshly grated nutmeg for two cups chai.
Turmeric: One tsp for two cups chai.
Pepper: Five peppers crushed for two cups chai.

Saffron: 3-5 threads of saffron for two cups chai.

Mix and match these for a cuppa masala chai que so buena.

For days you want to indulge, these classic dessert flavors blend beautifully with Astitva so brew away into Tea'vana. 
Carmel: Stir in one tbsp caramel syrup into your cup after straining chai. 
Chocolate: After straining chai, stir in sugar and cocoa or hot chocolate mix, give it another boil for extra intensity.
Vanilla: While brewing chai add some fresh vanilla along with milk.
Tell us what combinations you tried in the comments below and stay tuned to learn more amazing recipes for you to chai at home.
Tea Ta !
Co-authored by Sargam Merchant and Madura Chaudhari

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